Fact Checking the Promises of the Encounter God Retreat

Fact Checking the Promises of the Encounter God Retreat

What is the “Encounter God Retreat” (EGR)? Encounter God Retreat is a weekend program that promises to its participants a genuine encounter with God through audio-visual experiences and series of lectures. The Apologetics Index website traced its origin from The G12 Vision, a Pentecostal proselytization and indoctrination strategy developed by Cesar Castellanos and adopted by many churches all around the […]

Christian and Missionary Alliance Churches of the Philippines Committee on Doctrine and Polity (CODAP) on the G12 movement:

The following statement was drafted by the Christian and Missionary Alliance Churches of the Philippines Committee on Doctrine and Polity (CODAP) on the G12 movement. Obtained by permission. The CAMACOP Committee on Doctrine and Polity met for the first time on September 20, 2011 under the auspices of the Division of General and Theological Education (DGTE) and upon the express […]