Christian and Missionary Alliance Churches of the Philippines Committee on Doctrine and Polity (CODAP) on the G12 movement:

The following statement was drafted by the Christian and Missionary Alliance Churches of the Philippines Committee on Doctrine and Polity (CODAP) on the G12 movement. Obtained by permission. The CAMACOP Committee on Doctrine and Polity met for the first time on September 20, 2011 under the auspices of the Division of General and Theological Education (DGTE) and upon the express […]

Bird of Prey is China?

The Intercessors For the Philippines (IFP) does it again! Another prophetic failure. This time thanks to IFP Prophet Robert Misst.?See this prophetic blunder explained by Bishop Dan Balais in his blog at Coupled with the prophetic warnings of prophet Robert Misst who spoke in the just concluded 23rd National Prayer Gathering (NPG) that the bird from the East (Isaiah […]

How to Identify False Prophets

  Then and now, the identifying marks of a false prophet remain the same. The Bible tells us that they are deluded, inaccurate and opportunistic plagiarists. 1. ?False prophets are DELUDED. While some prophets have deliberately lied to the people, I believe there are those who remain sincere but with such wild imaginations they really think they are God’s prophets. […]

Jeremiah 5:31 Ministry

  “The prophets prophesy lies, The priests rule by their own authority, And my people love it this way. But what will you do in the end?” Jeremiah 5:31 (NIV) Although the text above refers to the Southern Kingdom, Judah, there can be no denying that this is still happening today, which is a frightening thought but not really surprising. […]

Acts 15

Acts 15 presents to us the New Testament model for conflict resolution particularly in dealing with a doctrinal issue whether circumcision was a necessary requirement for salvation or not. When “some men” came to Antioch promoting circumcision as a necessary rite to salvation, defenders of the faith Paul and Barnabas engaged with them “into SHARP DISPUTE and DEBATE” (Acts 15:2). […]

Elders, Deacons, and Saints

Titus ministered a young church in Crete, “to set things in order that are lacking” (Tit. 1:5).? Timothy ministered in Ephesus (1 Tim. 1:3) “to stop teaching false doctrines.” Aside from the Book of Acts, 1 Peter 5 and then Paul?s letters to Titus and Timothy are replete with ideas how the early church was run. Here?s a quick survey […]

Monarchical Bishops

“I exhort you to study to do all things with a divine harmony, while your bishop presides in the place of God, and your presbyters in the place of the assembly of the apostles, along with your deacons, who are most dear to me, and are entrusted with the ministry of Jesus Christ, who was with the Father before the […]

The Seven Gateways

A gateway is an entrance or a passage that can be opened or closed by a gate structure. It’s a means of entry or access. It is used in Acts 12:13 RSV or Revised Standard Version where Peter knocked outside the house of Mary (John’s mother) after being supernaturally released from prison. In last year’s 22nd National Prayer Gathering, “prophet” […]

Silence Please

Silent therapy, in my opinion, is one of the most potent tools available for the wives out there. Forgetting a very special occasion or with just a wrong tone of voice, husbands, you’ll be in for an indefinitely long therapy of silence. I could just imagine how Adam felt like had Eve been its Inventor. But this article is really […]