The Seven Gateways

A gateway is an entrance or a passage that can be opened or closed by a gate structure. It’s a means of entry or access. It is used in Acts 12:13 RSV or Revised Standard Version where Peter knocked outside the house of Mary (John’s mother) after being supernaturally released from prison. In last year’s 22nd National Prayer Gathering, “prophet” […]

Silence Please

Silent therapy, in my opinion, is one of the most potent tools available for the wives out there. Forgetting a very special occasion or with just a wrong tone of voice, husbands, you’ll be in for an indefinitely long therapy of silence. I could just imagine how Adam felt like had Eve been its Inventor. But this article is really […]

Desparate No More

Sometimes as intercessors, we become so desperate in finding the answers to our country’s woes that we become blinded by our very own desires to see our prayers through. Then we turn to look for “prophets” and “apostles” that will reaffirm those desires and good intentions. And when they do come, readily we receive and believe them but neglecting our […]

Love The Truth

Frankly speaking, I was hesitant in writing about love since it?s the month of February and everyone?s already talking about it. But there is something about it not everyone is so lovey dovey about ? the truth. “They perish because they refused to LOVE THE TRUTH and so be saved.” 2 Thess. 2:10, NIV. Written by the Apostle Paul around […]

To Judge or Not

To judge or not to judge? That is the question. And rightly so, since that the Lord has said “Judge not, that ye be not judged” (Mat 7:1, KJV). But this verse has raised concerns to a few why discernment ministries such as this one and?The Bereans: Apologetics Research Ministry?are able to label “false” the prophet-, the teacher-, and the […]

Exegesis vs Hexegesis

Exegesis is to “lead out” the original meaning of a Biblical text. It’s a way of bringing out the original intent of the author by studying not only the background of the writer, the background of the recipient but also the situation or the occasion that gave rise for its writing. The the text is carefully analyzed by considering its […]

Ten Convincing Proofs That Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj is Truly a Prophet (NOT!)

More than a month ago, ?Prophet? Sadhu Selvaraj prophesied of a coming new dispensation coinciding with the Jewish Yom Kippur due on October 8, 2011. It’s available at You can download the transcript of his prophecies here. He asked Christians to pray and fast in order to self atone for their day-to-day sins saying that only the original sin […]