The Acts 5:39 Alibi

Q. Can Acts 5:39 be used to validate the new movements who are introducing new and divisive teachings and extra-biblical prophecies? A. NO. And here’s why: Even the lying spirits are given permission to speak through the false prophets, 1 Kings 22:22. Tares (Weeds) are here to stay until the Harvest, Mat. 13:30. Historically speaking, false religions and cults of […]

Q&A: Encounter God Retreat

1. What is EGR? EGR or Encounter God Retreat, is weekend program designed to make you encounter God through audio-visual experiences and a series of lectures. It claims that you will hear God’s voice and experience true conversion. This is how some facilitators describe it, An ENCOUNTER GOD RETREAT is a weekend individuals set aside with a primary purpose of […]

Christian and Missionary Alliance Churches of the Philippines Committee on Doctrine and Polity (CODAP) on the G12 movement:

The following statement was drafted by the Christian and Missionary Alliance Churches of the Philippines Committee on Doctrine and Polity (CODAP) on the G12 movement. Obtained by permission. The CAMACOP Committee on Doctrine and Polity met for the first time on September 20, 2011 under the auspices of the Division of General and Theological Education (DGTE) and upon the express […]

Bird of Prey is China?

The Intercessors For the Philippines (IFP) does it again! Another prophetic failure. This time thanks to IFP Prophet Robert Misst.?See this prophetic blunder explained by Bishop Dan Balais in his blog at Coupled with the prophetic warnings of prophet Robert Misst who spoke in the just concluded 23rd National Prayer Gathering (NPG) that the bird from the East (Isaiah […]

How to Identify False Prophets

  Then and now, the identifying marks of a false prophet remain the same. The Bible tells us that they are deluded, inaccurate and opportunistic plagiarists. 1. ?False prophets are DELUDED. While some prophets have deliberately lied to the people, I believe there are those who remain sincere but with such wild imaginations they really think they are God’s prophets. […]

Jeremiah 5:31 Ministry

  “The prophets prophesy lies, The priests rule by their own authority, And my people love it this way. But what will you do in the end?” Jeremiah 5:31 (NIV) Although the text above refers to the Southern Kingdom, Judah, there can be no denying that this is still happening today, which is a frightening thought but not really surprising. […]